My name is Cody. I am a coder. I feel like I was born to do this. If you take a look at the syllables in my name, you will actually be able to see that code is a part of my name. Don't see it? Let's try it together. Code-ee. See it? That first part? If you don't you may need glasses, or maybe you need to learn to read. Somehow, I feel if you have gotten this far in the message, its the former, not the latter. Anyways, it is a part of me. I was born to code.
This website it to facilitate dynamic, non-dogmatic conversations about programming. Is TDD always the best option? Is there any other way to do GUI programming besides MVC? Is Java really all that slow? I hope this will be a place of learning and exploration of WHY we do the things that we do, and not to follow the newest trends blindly (no early returns anyone?). So I invite you to stay awhile and enjoy the articles and the code :)
Also, I will ALWAYS include coding examples with my discussions, and I hope you will do the same. And for every conclusion A that I reach, I promise to always have detailed analysis of how I reached that conclusion.
Stay awhile and please share! I want the best of the best to teach and for the noobies to learn!
With each article there will be a passion level associated with it. This is how "fierce" I am into the contents of this article.
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Let's dive into this topc...
Some text..
Let's dive into this topic...
Some text..
Let's dive into this topic...