My name is Cody. I am a coder. I feel like I was born to do this. If you take a look at the syllables in my name, you will actually be able to see that code is a part of my name. Don't see it? Let's try it together. Code-ee. See it? That first part? If you don't you may need glasses, or maybe you need to learn to read. Somehow, I feel if you have gotten this far in the message, its the former, not the latter. Anyways, it is a part of me. I was born to code.

This website it to facilitate dynamic, non-dogmatic conversations about programming. Is TDD always the best option? Is there any other way to do GUI programming besides MVC? Is Java really all that slow? I hope this will be a place of learning and exploration of WHY we do the things that we do, and not to follow the newest trends blindly (no early returns anyone?). So I invite you to stay awhile and enjoy the articles and the code :)

Also, I will ALWAYS include coding examples with my discussions, and I hope you will do the same. And for every conclusion A that I reach, I promise to always have detailed analysis of how I reached that conclusion.

Stay awhile and please share! I want the best of the best to teach and for the noobies to learn!

With each article there will be a passion level associated with it. This is how "fierce" I am into the contents of this article.

Waiting until you're completely ready

Date of publication, January 11th, 2020
No image loaded for waiting until you're completely ready

Some text..

Let's dive into this topc...

Easy to Change, Easy to Test

Date of publication, January 11th, 2020
No image loaded for easy test, easy change

Some text..

Let's dive into this topic...

Developing Lalune

Date of publication, January 12th, 2020

Some text..

Let's dive into this topic...

About Me

No image loaded for waiting until you're completely ready

I am one of the greatest programmers that has ever lived

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